Niue Weather

Niue Weather Bulletin issued from NWFC Nadi Jul 270259 UTC. A STRONG WIND WARNING REMAINS IN FORCE FOR THE LAND AREAS OF NIUE. A COASTAL INUNDATION ALERT REMAINS IN FORCE FOR LOW LYING COASTAL AREAS OF NIUE. Situation: An active trough of low pressure lies slow moving over Niue and gradually moving east. Associated cloud and rain is expected to affect Niue till later today. Meanwhile, a deepening low pressure system to the south of the Island is expected to generate and direct moderate to heavy southwesterly swells over the Niue waters. Damaging heavy swells during high tides may lead to sea flooding of low lying coastal areas. Forecast to midnight tomorrow for Niue: Expect northwesterly winds with wind speeds up to 45 km/hr. Rough to very rough seas. Occasional rain, heavy at times and few thunderstorms. Rain gradually easing later tonight. Further outlook: Expect northwesterly winds with wind speeds up to 45 km/hr. Rough seas. Expect sea flooding of coastal areas especially during high tides. Fine apart from brief showers. Marine Weather Bulletin for Niue A DAMAGING HEAVY SWELL ALERT REMAINS IN FORCE FOR OPEN WATERS OF NIUE. A STRONG WIND WARNING REMAINS IN FORCE FOR NIUE WATERS. Forecast to midnight tomorrow for all Niue water: Northwesterly winds 20 to 30 knots. Rough to very rough seas. Moderate southwesterly swells. Further outlook: Southwesterly winds 20 to 25 knots. Rough seas. Damaging heavy southwesterly swells with heights up to 4.0 meters.