Kiribati Weather

Kiribati and Banaba Weather Bulletin issued from NWFC Nadi Jul 270213 UTC. Situation: The Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone [ITCZ] lies over the northern parts of Northern Line Islands and extends westwards affecting Western Kiribati. A trough of low pressure is expected to affect Phoenix Islands. Meanwhile, a moist east to southeast wind flow prevails over the group. Forecast to midnight tomorrow for Kiribati Moderate to fresh east to southeast winds. Moderate to rough seas. Western Kiribati: Cloudy periods with some showers over the northern parts. Cloudy periods with brief showers elsewhere. Northern Line Islands :Occasional showers, heavy at times and few thunderstorms over Palmyra. Fine apart from possible brief showers elsewhere. Southern Line Islands : Fine. Phoenix Islands : Cloudy periods with some showers and isolated thunderstorms. Further outlook: Western Kiribati: Fine apart from brief showers. Northern Line: Occasional showers and few thunderstorms over the northern parts. Fine apart from brief showers elsewhere. Southern Line Islands : Fine apart from brief showers. Phoenix Islands : Cloudy periods with some showers and isolated thunderstorms. For Tarawa: Cloudy periods with brief showers. Further outlook: Fine apart from brief showers. For Banaba: Situation: A moist easterly wind flow prevails over Banaba. Mainly fine. Moderate southeasterly winds. Moderate seas. Further outlook: Fine weather.