Wind 6 hours forecast 300 hPa PWYB30KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 300 hPa PWNG30KWBC.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 250 hPa PWNG25KWBC.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 36 hours forecast 200 hPa PWGG20KWNO.gif
 Observational plotted chart 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere Analysis (00 hour) 070 hPa PYAA07KWBC.gif
 Significant weather 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 060 hPa PGCE06EGRR.gif
 Significant weather 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 060 hPa PGAE06EGRR.gif
 Height Area between 21.0N - 128.1W, 36.0N - 130.9W 21.1N - 113.0W, 36.2N - 110.5W 12 hours forecast 710 hPa QHUE71KWBC.gif
 Height Area between 21.0N - 128.1W, 36.0N - 130.9W 21.1N - 113.0W, 36.2N - 110.5W 36 hours forecast 700 hPa QHUM70KWBC.gif
 Height Area between 21.0N - 128.1W, 36.0N - 130.9W 21.1N - 113.0W, 36.2N - 110.5W 36 hours forecast 710 hPa QHUM71KWBC.gif
 Observational plotted chart 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere Analysis (00 hour) 010 hPa PYAA01KWBC.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 300 hPa PWNC30KWBC.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 850 hPa PWYC85KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 300 hPa PWZC30KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 500 hPa PWAE50KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 24 hours forecast 700 hPa PWGE70KWNO.gif
 Significant weather 90W - 180 northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 070 hPa PGBE07KKCI.gif
 Observational plotted chart 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere Analysis (00 hour) 030 hPa PYAA03KWBC.gif
 Significant weather 180 - 90E southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 060 hPa PGKE06EGRR.gif
 Significant weather 180 - 90E southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 060 hPa PGZE06EGRR.gif
 Height Area between 21.0N - 128.1W, 36.0N - 130.9W 21.1N - 113.0W, 36.2N - 110.5W 12 hours forecast 700 hPa QHUE70KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 200 hPa PWBD20KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 500 hPa PWBD50KWBC.gif
 Observational plotted chart 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere Analysis (00 hour) 050 hPa PYAA05KWBC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 300 hPa PWAB30KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 200 hPa PWYB20KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 400 hPa PWRB40KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 500 hPa PWCB50KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 18 hours forecast 070 hPa PWGD07KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 200 hPa PWAD20KWBC.gif
 Wind Area between 21.0N - 128.1W, 36.0N - 130.9W 21.1N - 113.0W, 36.2N - 110.5W 48 hours forecast 1000 hPa QWUQ99KWBC.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 48 hours forecast Boundary Layer QWNQ86KWBC.gif
 Pressure 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere Analysis (00 hour) 1000 hPa QPAA99KNHC.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 500 hPa PWNB50KWBC.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 250 hPa PWNB25KWBC.gif
 Observational plotted chart 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere Analysis (00 hour) Air properties for the earth's surface PYAA98KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 6 hours forecast 700 hPa PWGB70KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 200 hPa PWCB20KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 400 hPa PWAE40KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 500 hPa PWJE50KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 700 hPa PWCE70KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 200 hPa PWAF20KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 850 hPa PWAG85KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 150 hPa PWCF15KWNO.gif
 Significant weather 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 060 hPa PGCD06EGRR.gif
 Significant weather 90W - 180 northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 1000 hPa PGBE99KWBC.gif
 Observational plotted chart 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere Analysis (00 hour) 040 hPa PYAA04KWBC.gif
 Observational plotted chart 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere Analysis (00 hour) Entire Atmosphere PYAA00KWBC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 250 hPa PWAC25KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 400 hPa PWJB40KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 250 hPa PWRC25KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 300 hPa PWAD30KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 850 hPa PWRE85KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 700 hPa PWRE70KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 18 hours forecast 700 hPa PWGD70KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 070 hPa PWCE07KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 30 hours forecast 070 hPa PWGF07KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 36 hours forecast 850 hPa PWGG85KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 36 hours forecast 700 hPa PWGG70KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 36 hours forecast 500 hPa PWGG50KWNO.gif
 Observational plotted chart 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere Analysis (00 hour) 020 hPa PYAA02KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 250 hPa PWJE25KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 400 hPa PWRE40KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 18 hours forecast 400 hPa PWGD40KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 400 hPa PWNF40KWBC.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 300 hPa PWNF30KWBC.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 300 hPa PWRF30KWNO.gif
 Significant weather 180 - 90E tropical belt 18 hours forecast 060 hPa PGGD06EGRR.gif
 Observational plotted chart 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere Analysis (00 hour) 060 hPa PYAA06KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 18 hours forecast 250 hPa PWFD25KWBC.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 12 hours forecast 500 hPa PWGC50KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 400 hPa PWCB40KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 250 hPa PWAE25KWBC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 500 hPa PWAE50KWBC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 500 hPa PWRF50KWNO.gif
 Observational plotted chart 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere Analysis (00 hour) 080 hPa PYAA08KWBC.gif
 Observational plotted chart 0 - 90W tropical belt Analysis (00 hour) Ground/water properties for the earth's surface PYEA88KNHC.gif
 Height Global Area (area not definable) Analysis (00 hour) 170 hPa QHQA17KNHC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 6 hours forecast 200 hPa PWFB20KWBC.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 850 hPa PWCC85KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 400 hPa PWSE40KWBC.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 850 hPa PWYE85KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 200 hPa PWRE20KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 250 hPa PWCE25KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 300 hPa PWAE30KWBC.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 850 hPa PWCG85KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 700 hPa PWCG70KWNO.gif
 Significant weather 180 - 90E tropical belt 24 hours forecast 060 hPa PGGE06EGRR.gif
 Significant weather 180 - 90E tropical belt 24 hours forecast 060 hPa PGRE06EGRR.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 6 hours forecast 200 hPa PWGB20KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 400 hPa PWND40KWBC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 700 hPa PWAD70KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 30 hours forecast 700 hPa PWFF70KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 36 hours forecast 850 hPa PWFG85KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 300 hPa PWJG30KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 850 hPa PWZG85KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 700 hPa PWZG70KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 500 hPa PWZG50KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 300 hPa PWJB30KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 250 hPa PWZC25KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 150 hPa PWCC15KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 400 hPa PWZD40KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 200 hPa PWNF20KWBC.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 500 hPa PWNG50KWBC.gif
 Significant weather Southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 060 hPa PGSD06EGRR.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 070 hPa PWCC07KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 200 hPa PWJE20KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 300 hPa PWCE30KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 070 hPa PWRG07KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 850 hPa PWZF85KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 700 hPa PWZF70KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 400 hPa PWAD40KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 300 hPa PWRD30KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 700 hPa PWZE70KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 250 hPa PWAD25KWBC.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 250 hPa PWCF25KWNO.gif
 Observational plotted chart 0 - 90W tropical belt 6 hours forecast 850 hPa PYEB85KNHC.gif
 Observational plotted chart 0 - 90W tropical belt Analysis (00 hour) 850 hPa PYEA85KNHC.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 200 hPa PWNE20KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 500 hPa PWJD50KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 700 hPa PWZD70KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 400 hPa PWCD40KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 500 hPa PWZF50KWNO.gif
 Significant weather Southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 060 hPa PGSE06EGRR.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 500 hPa PWRB50KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 070 hPa PWZD07KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 400 hPa PWAE40KWBC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 250 hPa PWRG25KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 200 hPa PWRG20KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 150 hPa PWRG15KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 250 hPa PWCG25KWNO.gif
 Significant weather 180 - 90E tropical belt 24 hours forecast 070 hPa PGGE07KKCI.gif
 Observational plotted chart 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere Analysis (00 hour) 1000 hPa PYAA99KNHC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 200 hPa PWZC20KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 200 hPa PWYD20KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 250 hPa PWRD25KWNO.gif
 Significant weather 90E - 0 northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 300 hPa PGDE30KKCI.gif
 Wind 90E - 0 northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 500 hPa PWYG50KWNO.gif
 Wind 90E - 0 northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 400 hPa PWYG40KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 300 hPa PWSD30KWBC.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 500 hPa PWYE50KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 250 hPa PWRE25KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 500 hPa PWNF50KWBC.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 400 hPa PWZF40KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 400 hPa PWCG40KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 300 hPa PWCG30KWNO.gif
 Observational plotted chart 0 - 90W tropical belt Analysis (00 hour) 1000-500 hPa thickness PYEA87KNHC.gif
 Observational plotted chart 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere Analysis (00 hour) Level of the tropopause PYAA97KNHC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 070 hPa PWRB07KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 12 hours forecast 250 hPa PWGC25KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 18 hours forecast 500 hPa PWFD50KWBC.gif
 Temperature 90W - 180 northern hemisphere Analysis (00 hour) (MSLP) PTBA89KWBC.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 400 hPa PWNG40KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 200 hPa PWJG20KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 36 hours forecast 250 hPa PWGG25KWNO.gif
 Observational plotted chart 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere Analysis (00 hour) Level of maximum wind PYAA96KNHC.gif
 Observational plotted chart 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere Analysis (00 hour) Air properties for the earth's surface PYAA98KNHC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 500 hPa PWJB50KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 150 hPa PWRC15KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 070 hPa PWRC07KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 500 hPa PWNE50KWBC.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 30 hours forecast 200 hPa PWGF20KWNO.gif
 Significant weather 0 - 90W tropical belt 24 hours forecast 070 hPa PGEE07KKCI.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 6 hours forecast 250 hPa PWFB25KWBC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 400 hPa PWAB40KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 150 hPa PWRB15KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 6 hours forecast 250 hPa PWGB25KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 250 hPa PWAD25KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 850 hPa PWRG85KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 700 hPa PWRG70KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 500 hPa PWRG50KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 500 hPa PWYC50KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 850 hPa PWCE85KWNO.gif
 Significant weather 0 - 90W southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 070 hPa PGIE07KKCI.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 30 hours forecast 500 hPa PWFF50KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 30 hours forecast 070 hPa PWRF07KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 36 hours forecast 200 hPa PWZG20KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 36 hours forecast 150 hPa PWZG15KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 200 hPa PWJC20KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 500 hPa PWZC50KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 6 hours forecast 150 hPa PWGB15KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 24 hours forecast 400 hPa PWFE40KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 24 hours forecast 300 hPa PWYE30KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 24 hours forecast 400 hPa PWGE40KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 700 hPa PWAF70KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 200 hPa PWRF20KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 150 hPa PWRF15KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 250 hPa PWND25KWBC.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 500 hPa PWSE50KWBC.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 700 hPa PWRD70KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 250 hPa PWYE25KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 300 hPa PWYF30KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 250 hPa PWJG25KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 30 hours forecast 250 hPa PWGF25KWNO.gif
 Observational plotted chart 0 - 90W tropical belt Analysis (00 hour) Boundary Layer PYEA86KNHC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90W tropical belt 18 hours forecast 850 hPa PWRD85KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90W tropical belt 18 hours forecast 300 hPa PWZD30KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 24 hours forecast 850 hPa PWGE85KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 30 hours forecast 400 hPa PWFF40KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 30 hours forecast 300 hPa PWFF30KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 30 hours forecast 400 hPa PWYF40KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 30 hours forecast 700 hPa PWRF70KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 36 hours forecast 300 hPa PWRG30KWNO.gif
 Eastward wind component Northern hemisphere Analysis (00 hour) Entire Atmosphere QUNA00KNHC.gif
 Pressure 0 - 90W tropical belt Analysis (00 hour) 850 hPa PPEA85KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 12 hours forecast 300 hPa PWFC30KWBC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 200 hPa PWAB20KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 850 hPa PWRC85KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 150 hPa PWCB15KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 24 hours forecast 250 hPa PWFE25KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 24 hours forecast 200 hPa PWYE20KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 18 hours forecast 400 hPa PWRD40KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 24 hours forecast 200 hPa PWZE20KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 24 hours forecast 500 hPa PWGE50KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 30 hours forecast 250 hPa PWFF25KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 30 hours forecast 200 hPa PWFF20KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 6 hours forecast 500 hPa PWFB50KWBC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 850 hPa PWAB85KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 200 hPa PWRB20KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 070 hPa PWRD07KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 070 hPa PWCD07KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 850 hPa PWRF85KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 12 hours forecast 400 hPa PWFC40KWBC.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 24 hours forecast 250 hPa PWGE25KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 24 hours forecast 200 hPa PWGE20KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 36 hours forecast 300 hPa PWZG30KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 36 hours forecast 250 hPa PWZG25KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 500 hPa PWAD50KWBC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 500 hPa PWAC50KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 400 hPa PWAC40KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 200 hPa PWZF20KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 150 hPa PWZF15KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 250 hPa PWYB25KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 6 hours forecast 070 hPa PWGB07KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 400 hPa PWNE40KWBC.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 300 hPa PWSE30KWBC.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 250 hPa PWZF25KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 30 hours forecast 150 hPa PWGF15KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 6 hours forecast 700 hPa PWFB70KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 12 hours forecast 700 hPa PWFC70KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 24 hours forecast 850 hPa PWFE85KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 18 hours forecast 500 hPa PWRD50KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 150 hPa PWCD15KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 700 hPa PWYG70KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 400 hPa PWYE40KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 400 hPa PWRF40KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 250 hPa PWRF25KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 30 hours forecast 700 hPa PWGF70KWNO.gif
 Wave height + combinations 180 - 90E tropical belt Analysis (00 hour) 975 hPa(U.S.use) PJGA93EGRR.gif
 Wave height + combinations 180 - 90E tropical belt 24 hours forecast 975 hPa(U.S.use) PJGE93EGRR.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 6 hours forecast 500 hPa PWGB50KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 700 hPa PWCC70KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 250 hPa PWRB25KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 400 hPa PWSD40KWBC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 500 hPa PWAD50KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 250 hPa PWZE25KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 200 hPa PWAC20KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 24 hours forecast 700 hPa PWFE70KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 6 hours forecast 700 hPa PWZB70KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 250 hPa PWCB25KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 400 hPa PWZE40KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 250 hPa PWCD25KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 700 hPa PWCF70KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 850 hPa PWAE85KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 070 hPa PWZE07KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 250 hPa PWNF25KWBC.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 12 hours forecast 850 hPa PWGC85KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 18 hours forecast 250 hPa PWYD25KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 400 hPa PWJD40KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 300 hPa PWZE30KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 300 hPa PWAG30KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 070 hPa PWZG07KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 300 hPa PWCF30KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 250 hPa PWYC25KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 700 hPa PWRC70KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 200 hPa PWZB20KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 12 hours forecast 700 hPa PWGC70KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 24 hours forecast 070 hPa PWRE07KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 36 hours forecast 500 hPa PWFG50KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 36 hours forecast 400 hPa PWRG40KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 6 hours forecast 850 hPa PWYB85KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 12 hours forecast 070 hPa PWZC07KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 200 hPa PWSE20KWBC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 250 hPa PWAE25KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 300 hPa PWCD30KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 200 hPa PWCD20KWNO.gif
 Significant weather 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 060 hPa PGRD06EGRR.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 200 hPa PWRC20KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 700 hPa PWAE70KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 300 hPa PWJE30KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 18 hours forecast 300 hPa PWGD30KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 18 hours forecast 250 hPa PWGD25KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 300 hPa PWAD30KWBC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 850 hPa PWAF85KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 500 hPa PWJG50KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 400 hPa PWJG40KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 36 hours forecast 150 hPa PWGG15KWNO.gif
 Significant weather 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 060 hPa PGAD06EGRR.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 400 hPa PWCC40KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 150 hPa PWZE15KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 700 hPa PWCD70KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 500 hPa PWCG50KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 400 hPa PWJC40KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 300 hPa PWJC30KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 12 hours forecast 200 hPa PWGC20KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 24 hours forecast 300 hPa PWFE30KWBC.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 500 hPa PWCD50KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 400 hPa PWAD40KWBC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 300 hPa PWAF30KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 300 hPa PWRC30KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 700 hPa PWZC70KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 500 hPa PWND50KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 18 hours forecast 700 hPa PWFD70KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 24 hours forecast 500 hPa PWRE50KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 18 hours forecast 200 hPa PWZD20KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 400 hPa PWNB40KWBC.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 24 hours forecast 300 hPa PWGE30KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 850 hPa PWCB85KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 700 hPa PWCB70KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 850 hPa PWYD85KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 070 hPa PWCF07KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 400 hPa PWYC40KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 300 hPa PWND30KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 18 hours forecast 850 hPa PWFD85KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 24 hours forecast 300 hPa PWRE30KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 18 hours forecast 250 hPa PWGD25KWBC.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 24 hours forecast 250 hPa PWGE25KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 200 hPa PWJB20KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 400 hPa PWZC40KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 250 hPa PWNE25KWBC.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 18 hours forecast 200 hPa PWGD20KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 500 hPa PWCE50KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 500 hPa PWAB50KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 150 hPa PWZD15KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 700 hPa PWAG70KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 070 hPa PWCG07KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 150 hPa PWAE15KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 6 hours forecast 400 hPa PWFB40KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 18 hours forecast 400 hPa PWFD40KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 200 hPa PWJD20KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 24 hours forecast 070 hPa PWGE07KWNO.gif
 Significant weather 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 070 hPa PGAE07KKCI.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 500 hPa PWYD50KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 200 hPa PWCE20KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 150 hPa PWCE15KWNO.gif
 Height 90W - 180 northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 100 hPa PHBE10KWBC.gif
 Height 90W - 180 northern hemisphere 48 hours forecast 100 hPa PHBI10KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 850 hPa PWZB85KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 36 hours forecast 400 hPa PWGG40KWNO.gif
 Significant weather 180 - 90E tropical belt 18 hours forecast 060 hPa PGZD06EGRR.gif
 Significant weather 180 - 90E southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 060 hPa PGKD06EGRR.gif
 Significant weather 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 070 hPa PGJE07KKCI.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 150 hPa PWZC15KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 200 hPa PWND20KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 24 hours forecast 500 hPa PWFE50KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 18 hours forecast 700 hPa PWYD70KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 500 hPa PWCF50KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 250 hPa PWSD25KWBC.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 200 hPa PWSD20KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 36 hours forecast 250 hPa PWFG25KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 36 hours forecast 200 hPa PWFG20KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 18 hours forecast 200 hPa PWFD20KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 18 hours forecast 400 hPa PWYD40KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 150 hPa PWAD15KWBC.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 30 hours forecast 300 hPa PWGF30KWNO.gif
 Pressure Northern hemisphere 108 hours forecast Ground/water properties for the earth's surface PPNN88KWBC.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 300 hPa PWZB30KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 850 hPa PWYF85KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 700 hPa PWYF70KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 400 hPa PWNC40KWBC.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 200 hPa PWCC20KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 200 hPa PWNB20KWBC.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 300 hPa PWRB30KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 070 hPa PWCB07KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 250 hPa PWCC25KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 200 hPa PWAD20KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 18 hours forecast 150 hPa PWGD15KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 6 hours forecast 400 hPa PWGB40KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 30 hours forecast 300 hPa PWZF30KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 500 hPa PWNC50KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 250 hPa PWJB25KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 400 hPa PWCE40KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 300 hPa PWNB30KWBC.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 700 hPa PWRB70KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 18 hours forecast 300 hPa PWFD30KWBC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 500 hPa PWAF50KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 850 hPa PWCF85KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 500 hPa PWYB50KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 850 hPa PWZD85KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 850 hPa PWCD85KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 400 hPa PWJF40KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 700 hPa PWYC70KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 250 hPa PWJC25KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 200 hPa PWYC20KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 500 hPa PWRC50KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 070 hPa PWZB07KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 12 hours forecast 200 hPa PWFC20KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 18 hours forecast 150 hPa PWRD15KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 12 hours forecast 850 hPa PWZC85KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 18 hours forecast 200 hPa PWRD20KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 30 hours forecast 500 hPa PWYF50KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 18 hours forecast 250 hPa PWZD25KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 500 hPa PWAG50KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 070 hPa PWZF07KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 500 hPa PWZD50KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 250 hPa PWJD25KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 18 hours forecast 850 hPa PWGD85KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 400 hPa PWAG40KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 24 hours forecast 150 hPa PWGE15KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 12 hours forecast 300 hPa PWYC30KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 6 hours forecast 850 hPa PWRB85KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 30 hours forecast 250 hPa PWYF25KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 24 hours forecast 700 hPa PWYE70KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 200 hPa PWNC20KWBC.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 18 hours forecast 500 hPa PWGD50KWNO.gif
 Wave height + combinations 180 - 90E tropical belt 48 hours forecast 975 hPa(U.S.use) PJGI93EGRR.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere Analysis (00 hour) Entire Atmosphere QWAA00KWBC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 150 hPa PWZB15KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 300 hPa PWCC30KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 400 hPa PWZG40KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 30 hours forecast 500 hPa PWGF50KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 850 hPa PWAC85KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 12 hours forecast 070 hPa PWGC07KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 36 hours forecast 200 hPa PWYG20KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 400 hPa PWJE40KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 150 hPa PWRE15KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 200 hPa PWNG20KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 12 hours forecast 250 hPa PWFC25KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 12 hours forecast 500 hPa PWFC50KWBC.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 500 hPa PWCC50KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 6 hours forecast 300 hPa PWFB30KWBC.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 36 hours forecast 300 hPa PWGG30KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 250 hPa PWAB25KWNO.gif
 Height Area between 21.0N - 128.1W, 36.0N - 130.9W 21.1N - 113.0W, 36.2N - 110.5W 24 hours forecast 700 hPa QHUI70KWBC.gif
 Wind Area between 21.0N - 128.1W, 36.0N - 130.9W 21.1N - 113.0W, 36.2N - 110.5W 12 hours forecast 400 hPa PWRC40KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 12 hours forecast 400 hPa PWGC40KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 30 hours forecast 850 hPa PWGF85KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 300 hPa PWNE30KWBC.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 6 hours forecast 300 hPa PWGB30KWNO.gif
 Significant weather Northern hemisphere 10 days forecast 400 hPa PGNT40CWAO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 250 hPa PWNC25KWBC.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 700 hPa PWMC70KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 850 hPa PWNB85KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 150 hPa PWYB15KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 12 hours forecast 150 hPa PWGC15KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 12 hours forecast 250 hPa PWMC25KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 700 hPa PWND70KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 300 hPa PWJD30KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 250 hPa PWAG25KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 200 hPa PWAG20KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 700 hPa PWNB70KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 700 hPa PWAB70KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 300 hPa PWMC30KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 850 hPa PWND85KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 850 hPa PWJD85KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 850 hPa PWJB85KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 24 hours forecast 200 hPa PWFE20KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 36 hours forecast 070 hPa PWMG07KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 700 hPa PWNC70KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 30 hours forecast 850 hPa PWFF85KWBC.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 300 hPa PWCB30KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 850 hPa PWMD85KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 700 hPa PWMD70KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 070 hPa PWJB07KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 850 hPa PWNE85KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 850 hPa PWSD85KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 150 hPa PWJB15KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 850 hPa PWME85KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 700 hPa PWME70KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 500 hPa PWME50KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 300 hPa PWAC30KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 070 hPa PWMC07KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 250 hPa PWYG25KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 150 hPa PWYG15KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 250 hPa PWSE25KWBC.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 500 hPa PWZE50KWNO.gif
 Height Area between 30.3N - 83.7W, 51.0N - 68.9W 19.8N - 64.5W, 33.3N - 47.1W Analysis (00 hour) 100 hPa PHVA10RJTD.gif
 Height Area between 30.3N - 83.7W, 51.0N - 68.9W 19.8N - 64.5W, 33.3N - 47.1W Analysis (00 hour) 150 hPa PHVA15RJTD.gif
 Wind Area between 30.3N - 83.7W, 51.0N - 68.9W 19.8N - 64.5W, 33.3N - 47.1W 12 hours forecast 400 hPa PWMC40KWNO.gif
 Wave height + combinations 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast Ground/water properties for the earth's surface QJAE88KWBC.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 400 hPa PWCF40KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 400 hPa PWYB40KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 850 hPa PWNC85KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 070 hPa PWAB07KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 150 hPa PWJE15KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 070 hPa PWJE07KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 700 hPa PWMB70KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 070 hPa PWAE07KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 500 hPa PWMB50KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 400 hPa PWMG40KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 300 hPa PWMG30KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 250 hPa PWMG25KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 150 hPa PWAC15KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 070 hPa PWYG07KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 300 hPa PWYD30KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 070 hPa PWYE07KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 850 hPa PWJE85KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 150 hPa PWJG15KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 700 hPa PWJC70KWNO.gif
 Pressure 0 - 90W tropical belt Analysis (00 hour) 700 hPa PPEA70KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 070 hPa PWJD07KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 150 hPa PWMB15KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 700 hPa PWAC70KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 6 hours forecast 850 hPa PWGB85KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 150 hPa PWAG15KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 700 hPa PWYB70KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 700 hPa PWNF70KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 850 hPa PWJC85KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 700 hPa PWJF70KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 500 hPa PWJF50KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 070 hPa PWAF07KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 200 hPa PWYF20KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 700 hPa PWSE70KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 700 hPa PWJB70KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 200 hPa PWMB20KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 150 hPa PWJC15KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 200 hPa PWAE20KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 36 hours forecast 400 hPa PWFG40KWBC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 850 hPa PWAD85KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 070 hPa PWYB07KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 400 hPa PWAF40KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 150 hPa PWAF15KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 500 hPa PWJC50KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 400 hPa PWMB40KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 150 hPa PWYD15KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 150 hPa PWJF15KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 070 hPa PWJF07KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 070 hPa PWAC07KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 200 hPa PWMG20KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 150 hPa PWMG15KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 150 hPa PWYF15KWNO.gif
 Height Area between 21.0N - 128.1W, 36.0N - 130.9W 21.1N - 113.0W, 36.2N - 110.5W 24 hours forecast 710 hPa QHUI71KWBC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 150 hPa PWAE15KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 700 hPa PWJE70KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 200 hPa PWMC20KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 400 hPa PWZB40KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 850 hPa PWYG85KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 850 hPa PWMF85KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 500 hPa PWMC50KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 36 hours forecast 070 hPa PWGG07KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 6 hours forecast 070 hPa PWMB07KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 12 hours forecast 300 hPa PWGC30KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 070 hPa PWAD07KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 150 hPa PWAD15KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 400 hPa PWMD40KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 300 hPa PWMD30KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 070 hPa PWJG07KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 700 hPa PWJD70KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 070 hPa PWMF07KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 850 hPa PWMG85KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 500 hPa PWZB50KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 850 hPa PWMB85KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 850 hPa PWZE85KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 200 hPa PWCG20KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 150 hPa PWCG15KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 070 hPa PWJC07KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 070 hPa PWYD07KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 070 hPa PWYF07KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 150 hPa PWYC15KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 300 hPa PWAE30KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 850 hPa PWSE85KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 070 hPa PWYC07KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 300 hPa PWYG30KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 700 hPa PWSB70KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 150 hPa PWYE15KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 400 hPa PWME40KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 700 hPa PWMF70KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 500 hPa PWMF50KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 250 hPa PWME25KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 850 hPa PWSF85KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 tropical belt 36 hours forecast 700 hPa PWFG70KWBC.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 150 hPa PWJD15KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 300 hPa PWMB30KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 150 hPa PWMC15KWNO.gif
 Significant weather 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 150 hPa PGCE15EGRR.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 200 hPa PWME20KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 070 hPa PWAG07KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 300 hPa PWME30KWNO.gif
 Significant weather 90E - 0 northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 150 hPa PGDE15EGRR.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 700 hPa PWSG70KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 700 hPa PWJG70KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 250 hPa PWAF25KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 070 hPa PWMD07KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 250 hPa PWMB25KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 850 hPa PWNF85KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 48 hours forecast Ground/water properties for the earth's surface QWAQ88KWBC.gif
 Wave height + combinations 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 48 hours forecast Ground/water properties for the earth's surface QJAQ88KWBC.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 150 hPa PWAB15KWNO.gif
 Significant weather Northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 150 hPa PGNE15KKCI.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 850 hPa PWSC85KWNO.gif
 Significant weather Southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 150 hPa PGZE15EGRR.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 500 hPa PWMD50KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 300 hPa PWJF30KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 700 hPa PWSD70KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 12 hours forecast 850 hPa PWMC85KWNO.gif
 Wind Area between 21.0N - 128.1W, 36.0N - 130.9W 21.1N - 113.0W, 36.2N - 110.5W 6 hours forecast 250 hPa PWZB25KWNO.gif
 Wind 0 - 90 W northern hemisphere 12 hours forecast Ground/water properties for the earth's surface QWAE88KWBC.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 850 hPa PWSG85KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 070 hPa PWME07KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 150 hPa PWMD15KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 24 hours forecast 700 hPa PWNE70KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 6 hours forecast 850 hPa PWSB85KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 850 hPa PWJG85KWNO.gif
 Wind 90W - 180 southern hemisphere 18 hours forecast 250 hPa PWMD25KWNO.gif
 Wind Northern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 700 hPa PWNG70KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 700 hPa PWSF70KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 700 hPa PWMG70KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 36 hours forecast 500 hPa PWMG50KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 400 hPa PWMF40KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 300 hPa PWMF30KWNO.gif
 Wind Southern hemisphere 30 hours forecast 250 hPa PWMF25KWNO.gif
 Wind 180 - 90E tropical belt 30 hours forecast 400 hPa PWGF40KWNO.gif
 Eastward wind component 90E - 0 tropical belt 24 hours forecast Ground/water properties for the earth's surface QUHI88KWBC.gif